Am I asking for money?
WTF is wrong with me? I mean really.
A true degen doesn’t need eth.
But you see my biggest struggle in life is balancing being a degen while having a wife and kids.
My wife doesn’t get art. It’s ok. I love her nonetheless (most of the time) but she wants me to earn money to feed the kids.
We live in the jungle (for real) and bananas are cheap though. π
So I am just asking the true legends and whales out there if you wanna get my nice illiquid JPEG in exchange for 0.069eth.
You were expecting a free mint but … my wife says otherwise. Talk to her if you disagree. (she’s not on Discord btw)
But the event is 100% FREE and you’ll even get your chance to earn many JPEGs just by attending.
Well simply because I am doing all of this out of generosity to the community and spending a lot of time making sure all degens are happy. (except for the kevins and karens of this world)
This is a web3 donation NFT if you want to call it that way. Or maybe it is begging? I don’t know anymore.
It’s my wife.
So donate if you feel this is valuable to you.
For the culture π
No roadmap. No utility. No nothing.
Just generosity.
I may do something in the future though… you never know…
And if I do, family always comes first.
With love from the jungle π΄
PS: for those that scan the page for the ultimate degen keywords, here they are:
Price: 0.069eth
Supply: 690
Wen: Soon.
Team: Me. JungleDegen. And 3 young kids. oh… and my wife (almost forgot π
Roadmap: None.
Utility: Generosity. And having one extra JPEG in your wallet (it’s pretty I promise).
PPS: Parts of the proceedings will be used to buy premium NFTs for giveaways to the legendary degens AND to plant trees in the world (IRL)